Hey Designer , Its Time for some Basics Recap

Principles of Design : Basic things every Designers should know !!! #1

In this Article, you will know all the principles that needed for the Graphic Design | Illustration and UI/UX Design. . .

BSL Prasad
Muzli - Design Inspiration
6 min readSep 10, 2021


Principles of Design
Illustration Designed by BSL Prasad (urssravanprasad)

| Designing

Designing is an artist’s impression for a specific purpose in mind,which helps in creating exceptional objects for today’s world.It spreads out in every form of industry like Textile, infrastructure,Filmmaking ,Electronics,IT and so on.

It helps Engineers or Technicians to understand the shape and form of an Object before they creating for the company.For Example- In Textile industry before costume is tailored it goes for costume Designing that will be given as an reference to the Tailor that helps him in customizing the outfit.Even in civil constructions engineers will prepare a design for the Building which helps them in using material appropriate in the construction.

So every design must fulfill the need of the motive they are looking for.For that we have to use the basics in designing which are like ingredients for making Good Design.

So Lets see the Principles of Design which Helps every Designer!!!

| Principles of Design (Gestalt) :

  • Closure
  • Proximity
  • Similarity
  • Figure Ground
  • Common Fate
  • Focal Point
  • Continuity

| 1.Closure :

Closure Design
Illustration Designed by BSL Prasad (urssravanprasad)

Simply : This Design gives the hidden connection in the design which triggers the shape between the gaps in space and elements used on that canvas/Artboard.

Explanation : Closure Design is something very unique in design which helps in creating peculiar designs.Generally our brain sees the things a whole rather than in a parts of whole.Based on this psychology we create the design with some parts of shapes and objects which in wholesome gives the shape we want that viewers to grab.Too much complexity is not required for this design.

Refer More : The Closure Design Principle — Design Crawl

| 2.Proximity :

Proximity Design
Illustration Designed by BSL Prasad (urssravanprasad)

Simply : It means nearness in the space between the shapes and objects which feels like relative to each other.

Explanation : Proximity Design is all about spacing between the elements and Objects.Like consider you have a bunch of friends if you all in different places consider non proximity design.If you all get together that is called proximity design.Even right spacing will still makes the proximity correct in designs.

Refer More : Proximity Principle in Visual Design (nngroup.com)

| 3.Similarity :

Similarity Design
Illustration Designed by BSL Prasad (urssravanprasad)

Simply : An Element / Object shares the similar feature or characteristics like Shape,Size,Color and Dimensions etc which are recognised as a group.

Explanation : Similarity Design is easy to identify as it can be differentiated from others as per the same Size, Value , Shape , Colour , Orientation, Texture and Dimensions.It even shows the same features and characteristics for the design.It can be found by doing similitude with the other elements in the Design.

Refer More : Similarity Principle in Visual Design (nngroup.com)

| 4.Figure & Ground :

Figure and Ground Design
Illustration Designed by BSL Prasad (urssravanprasad)

Simply : A figure can be noticed based on its grounds like back and foreground. Usually the bigger area in the figure is assumed as a Background.

Explanation :In Figure & Ground there is nothing to do with the colour and shape; it depends upon the context between the negative and positive spaces.For example you can use white as an Background and Black as an object, the same viceversa can also be done.Without right ground that objects cannot come to light.

Refer More : figureground (gr8lessons.com)

| 5.Common Fate :

Common Fate Design
Illustration Designed by BSL Prasad (urssravanprasad)

Simply : If the elements/Objects in the designs move in a similar direction we perceive them are one group.

Explanation : Common Fate or Synchrony Design is one of the important principles that works in Motion graphics as it is termed that elements or Objects in it are supposed to be in the same direction or Path with movement in it.This helps us for creating Animations for the Designs.

Refer More : Improve Your Designs With The Principles Of Continuation And Common Fate (Part Three) — Smashing Magazine

| 6.Focal Point :

Focal Point Design
Illustration Designed by BSL Prasad (urssravanprasad)

Simply :Which draws the viewer’s attention to a particular element in the design.

Explanation : Focal Point is also called as Emphasis , its primary act is to make all the elements lead viewers towards a Focal point.That point can be wherever in the Figure, centric is Optional.The tricky part in this design is that you must fill the entire space if not the gaps might divert the viewers attentions.

Refer More : Design Principles You Should A/B Test: Focal Points — Optimizely

| 7.Continuity :

Continuity Design
Illustration Designed by BSL Prasad (urssravanprasad)

Simply : When elements are arranged in such a way in a symmetric manner like a line that minimizes viewers’ abruption towards design.

Explanation :Our Human eyes move from one object to another if it is arranged in a line or path. Example X will be seen like two lines overlap each other but not like V shapes attached vertically.Designs look smooth when they follow symmetric paths and ways for their designs.

Refer More : Improve Your Designs With The Principles Of Continuation And Common Fate (Part Three) — Smashing Magazine

| Quick Recap

| Principles of Design (Gestalt) :

  • Closure
  • Proximity
  • Similarity
  • Figure Ground
  • Common Fate
  • Focal Point
  • Continuity
Closure Design
Common Fate Design
Continuity Design
Figure and Ground Design
Focal Point Design
Proximity Design
Similarity Design

| Conclusion

Designing is not everyone interest but making something interesting is Designer Part, So knowing the basics of it always keeps our designs in showcase of Good Designs

This brings us to the End of the Principles of Design #1 , Will soon catch you with Principles of Design #2

Thank you for reading. Kindly share to your Designing peers !!!

Happy Reading :)

urssravanprasad (BSL Prasad)

