Cosimo Scarpa
Muzli - Design Inspiration
3 min readFeb 3, 2019


Every time we design something, we’re trying to communicate something to our viewer. But how do we share our message if we have to use only images?
Simple, we have to use contrasts.

Contrast in design by me

When I talk about contrast, I mean every single visual component that makes up a single frame, so size, weight and colour (tints, tones or shades).

Good designers are able to play with these elements and highlight the right object in the composition, in order to communicate the correct information to the viewer.

To begin we have to determine the subject of our design

Realised on Sketch.

Using scale and value, we are going to establish our subject in the context.

For instance, we have two circles. In the image one, both the circles have the same size, colour and distance.
In this case, it’s hard to figure which of that has more value over another one.
Easily, we can see in the image two, how the different contrast of size and value drive our eye to the main circle.

The same method can be applied in case of more than two elements

Realised on Sketch.

In this case, we’re going to determine a hierarchy. Using always size and value, we can establish the different importance that specifics elements have in a context.

Add secondary elements can help to stand up our main subject. Using tertiary elements, we can give more details to the viewers.

So, every time we are working on the visual design, we can use size and values to give a strong impact on our design and provide a clear meaning about what we are trying to communicate.

Realised on Sketch.

The contrast is very common also in storytelling, it helps to build up in the viewer’s mind the complete understanding of what they are watching and what that story is trying to tell [ if you want to know more about storytelling, give a look here].

Contrast in typography

Like for the image, even for typography, we can apply the same rules to determinate the dominant word.

Realised on Sketch.

The contrast will help us to drive the user eye to the wanted display sequence.


The use of the contrast in the correct way it will help to create dynamic and meaning to our composition and it can be applied everywhere, in design, animation, illustration or photography.

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